Sustainable Product Design

Institution: Falmouth University

Department: School of Architecture, Design and Interiors

Description: The Sustainable Product Design course is a three year undergraduate programme driven by the major challenges facing humankind today. Our students explore the social, environmental and ethical aspects of product design, learn how to create products with a lifetime far beyond what’s typical, and consider how to create positive changes in human behaviour to improve sustainability. As part of this future-focused product design course, students learn how to become independent practitioners with a strong understanding of truly sustainable products. They develop a broad range of creative and prototyping skills and critical thinking, to bring ideas to life through the design process. Their work reflects their own experiences and interests, developing a personal direction towards the type of designer they wish to become. Our students nurture strong networks within the course and the wider design industry, which supports their ongoing development as designers.

Degrees Granted: BA (Honors)

Level: Undergraduate

Country: United Kingdom

Program Website